Annex The Acres

Why Annex Into Forest Acres
Help us take Forest Acres from great to elite.
We can better our community’s lifestyle by giving an improved population count when applying for grants. From parks to roadways, numbers talk, and accuracy matters.
Our true population is believed to be greater than the 10,000 captured on our recent 2020 census.
We could have as many as 12,000- 15,000 which is nearly the same population as Cayce and not far off from West Columbia.
You live here but doughnut holes, or properties in white that are unincorporated, make it impossible for us to reflect our more accurate population when applying for grants.
That affects what money we get at the state level and also what grants we can apply for based on our qualifying population. This impacts public money that could be available to improve our roads, try to build sidewalks, make park improvements, the list goes on.
Doughnut Holes Impact Daily Life for all
Doughnut holes leave us all with missed opportunities and promote inefficiency in government.
A recent analysis found city properties, shown in green on the municipality map, make up 75% of the homes within Forest Acres. That means 75% are carrying 100% of the expenditures for the amenities we all use and love.
The other 25% of properties within our boundary that remain in a doughnut hole, send 100% of their tax dollars to Richland County which pays for projects in Sandhills or Lower Richland County.
That equals around $450,000 dollars that could stay local to contribute to local issues and local amenities but doesn't.
Annexation saves most homeowners money
Annexation will save 80% of our unincorporated homes money on property taxes.
That's right. 80% of these homeowners would see a property tax reduction and keep all of their money here at home.
Here is a rough estimate of the savings:
$175,000 taxable value equals a yearly savings of $196.22 through annexation.
$275,000 taxable value equals a yearly savings of $108.02 through annexation.
$375,000 taxable value equals a yearly savings of $19.82 through annexation.
Annexation also affords you superior and truly responsive sanitation and police services.
Help our police with enforcement by allowing them to patrol the entire city and end the jurisdictional circus that impacts everything from speeding enforcement and your family’s safety.
Also, our police response times average 10 minutes faster than the county.
We are centrally located and have an average response time of under three minutes. Conversely, the county sheriff's department has a response time of 12 minutes or more and is currently in charge of protection services for 1500 homes inside Forest Acres.
That matters when seconds count. This is inefficiency in government at its finest.
Help us fix what lawmakers have neglected to do.
Help us make you safer. Help us save you money. Help us end inefficiency in government - and help us make your city the best it can be.
Annexation Timeline
To annex, all you need to do is drop a copy of your property deed at City Hall (5209 N Trenholm Road) or email a digital copy to
From there, the city will handle the rest which includes a public notice and two public hearings held before regularly scheduled city council meetings.
The entire process takes about three months. On the night of the second public hearing, the council will vote to approve the property annexation. City staff handles all publicly required notifications and your trash can will be delivered within the week. Welcome Home!
Frequently Asked Questions About Annexation
No. The City of Forest Acres does not have its own zip code due to the proximity of neighboring cities.
No. School zone boundaries are not impacted by annexation.
No. The City of Forest Acres does not provide water or sewer. Your current connections will continue to function.
The City of Forest Acres consists of large residential areas surrounding one robust commercial corridor. The City’s core functions are largely designed to enhance the residential experience of those that call Forest Acres home. Several of our residential areas currently have enclaves of unincorporated properties (sometimes called “donut holes”), some large and some small. City workers, including sanitation crews and police officers, drive by these properties and sometimes down entire streets to reach other parts of the City, which is inefficient and confusing for workers and residents alike.
By closing these “donut holes” through annexation, the City wishes to increase efficiencies, enhance services, and further improve the lives of current and future residents.
An increase in population would also benefit the City and would make Forest Acres eligible for larger State and Federal grants.
Yes, I want to apply for annexation into Forest Acres!
Simply complete this form, and we will be in touch with you quickly. Thank you for your interest in and support of Forest Acres!