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CARDINAL NEWMAN POSTCARD: Correcting Misinformation


Recently, an unknown party mailed thousands of postcards to Forest Acres residents and neighboring non-residents headlined "Protect Our Community, Safeguard Forest Drive." The postcard contains several inaccurate and misleading statements, and urges the recipient to call City Hall and "...let them know you do not approve of hasty decisions before their next meeting on June 23."

Due to the wave of concerned citizens calling to complain based on misinformation contained in the postcard, we would like to clarify and/or correct the following points:

STATEMENT: "Cardinal Newman property slated for high density developments..."

FACT: The property currently occupied by Cardinal Newman School is not currently being redeveloped or re-zoned. The City of Forest Acres has not received an application for re-zoning, and no plans are before city council related to redeveloping the Cardinal Newman property. Any re-zoning will involve extensive public notice and will involve a months-long process including city staff, the Planning Commission, and City Council. Numerous opportunities for public comment will be made available regarding any proposed development.

STATEMENT: "Call the City of Forest Acres ... before their next meeting on June 23."

FACT: Since there is no plan to re-zone Cardinal Newman before City Council, nothing related to the property will be discussed on June 23.

STATEMENT: "The concept is to place all wiring underground with an approximate cost of over $17 million...Will businesses and property owners have to foot the bill?"

FACT: Driven by resident input, the Forest Drive Corridor Study recommended undergrounding power lines along certain sections of Forest Drive. No specific costs have been determined, and any costs incurred will be phased over several fiscal years. None of the likely funding sources involve raising taxes on businesses or property owners. 

STATEMENT: "Engineering and feasibility studies need to be provided prior to making any council or zoning approvals."

FACT: We agree. Any plan that comes forward will be studied and reviewed extensively, but no such plan has been submitted.

We understand the concern being generated by this postcard and appreciate the interest our residents and neighbors have in what eventually happens to the Cardinal Newman property. That passion for our community is what makes it great. Please be assured that any plans for Cardinal Newman will go through a thorough application and approval process, and public involvement will be made a priority.